WEI-YI Chung

Research Assistant of NLP Lab from SCU

Netural Language Processing is my main research field of the master's degree. Studying on multi-dimensional sentiment indicators, cyber-bullying emotion detection, and coreference resolution. Familiar with Pytorch syntax and encoder-based pre-training models.In addition. I also followed the projects to assist in the research of MRT passenger flow prediction and the use of transfer learning on pre-training dynamic station embedding


A Dynamic Embedding Method for Passenger Flow Estimation

Authors: Wei-Yi Chung, Yen-Nan Ho, Yu-Hsuan Wu, Jheng-Long Wu
Publications: In 2021 10th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI)

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Jul, 21

Sentiment-Based Masked Language Modeling for Improving Sentence-Level Valence–Arousal Prediction

Authors: Jheng-Long Wu, Wei-Yi Chung
Publications: Applied Intelligence, 2022

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Feb, 22

A Dimensional Valence-Arousal-Irony Dataset for Chinese Sentence and Context

Authors: Sheng-Wei Huang, Wei-Yi Chung, Yu-Hsuan Wu, et al.
Publications: In Proceedings of the 34rd Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING2022)

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Nov, 22

Factor Detection Task of Cyberbullying Using the Deep Learning Model

Authors: Sheng-Wei Huang, Yu-Hsuan Wu, Wei-Yi Chung, et al.
Publications: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data Workshop BDA4CID 2022

Nov, 22

Hierarchical Attention Networks for passenger flow estimation

Publications: under studying


Entity representation learning and density estimation for coreference resolution

Publications: under studying (Master Thesis)